Meet Rachel!
Rachel Talbot, Universal Banker, has worked at Quad City Bank & Trust for almost 2 years. Rachel shares her thoughts on the company culture and what she loves to do in the Quad Cities.
What is your favorite part about working at QCBT?
My favorite part about working at QCBT is the people. My teammates are the best and I don't know what I do without them, and of course, the customers! I love having a great relationship with my customers, and being able to grow with them is an indescribable experience.
What does QCBT mean to you?
When I think of QCBT and what it means to me is community. We promote to include ourselves in the community and to make a difference.
How would you describe the company culture?
Inclusive and unique. When visiting another branch, it's so nice to see the people I work with daily in person. I feel we're like a family.
What is one thing people may not know about the company or your job?
We have a committee that was newly created called the SPARK Committee (Smart People Amplify Relationships Kindly). I was asked to help drive the group for our branches in the retail department. We have a small group of people from each branch who are collectively creating fun activities to bring a positive experience at the workplace. We also reward people for their accomplishments as well. We have done several projects and collaborated with our marketing team to include everyone in the company, so we’re always looking forward to what we come up with in the future!
What are some goals you have at work or life?
For work, I would like to continue to expand my knowledge of retail banking. I want to give the best experience I can to our customers. For life, I’m ready for a house, daydreaming of a craft room.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
In my free time, I like to dabble in crafts. I also play with my animals (cat, bunny, 3 gerbils, 3 gecko lizards) and love going to the movies with my husband.
What is one thing you love to do in the Quad Cities?
I love hitting up all the coffee shops in the Quad Cities. My best friend and I try to find a new place twice a month. We have so many punch cards!
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I am a TOTAL nerd. I LOVE Star Trek, Marvel, DC, and Doctor Who. I also play a little Dungeon and Dragons here and there.
If you could go to any vacation destination, where would it be and why?
Comic Con all the way. That’s where I can let my inner nerd let loose. Get to cosplay a favorite character, see all the cool vendors, and meet some stars.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Teleportation would be fun! Just to think of a place I want to be and zap right there. I can be an impatient person, so let’s skip the travel time.
Do you have a favorite quote?
“Talent and education do not place you above the rest of the world. It makes you responsible for it.” – Toby Ziegler, The West Wing.
What is the best advice you’ve received?
This advice was given to me on my 1st day working at QCBT: "Everything can be fixed."