
Qcbt Bix7 Madison

Quad City Bank & Trust Sponsors Bix 7 Registrations for Madison Elementary School Students

Quad City Bank & Trust (QCBT) is proud to announce a partnership with the Quad-City Times Bix 7 that will benefit students and families of Madison Elementary School in Davenport.  Through a generous donation from QCBT, all students currently enrolled at Madison Elementary School and their siblings aged 12 and under will receive free registration to the Arconic Jr. Bix on Friday, July 26th at 6pm.

QCBT’s grant will also provide each 6th grade student at Madison Elementary with a new pair of running shoes, which they will receive just before the end of the schoolyear.  This special gift will commemorate their completion of elementary school and encourage running in preparation for the race.  Running Wild was on-site at Madison on Wednesday, May 8th to personally fit each child for new shoes, along with representatives from QCBT, the Bix 7, Running Wild and the United Way.  These organizations will return to Madison on Friday, May 10th from 2:15-2:45pm for “Friends & Freezies” where they will have an information table assisting families with race registrations.  The shoes will be distributed to the students at their 6th grade graduation ceremony scheduled for May 30th from 9-10am at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Davenport.

This partnership marks two significant milestones for both Quad City Bank & Trust and the Quad-City Times Bix 7, who are both celebrating anniversaries in 2024, making the partnership even more special.  QCBT celebrated its 30th anniversary on Jan. 7th and the Bix 7 will celebrate the 50th running on Saturday, July 27, 2024. “Providing an opportunity for local children to participate in an event that literally runs through their backyards is so exciting,” said Michelle Juehring, Bix 7 Race Director.  “With QCBT’s donation, we can expand our reach and help local families to be a part of this event that brings our community together.”

“It gives me goosebumps to think of these 6th graders being personally fitted for a brand-new pair of running shoes,” commented QCBT CEO John Anderson.  “This is the kind of support and long-lasting reach we love to provide for our friends in the community.  Removing barriers for these young people to be able to experience this exciting race while at the same time helping them to form healthy, lifelong habits; this is how we like to make an impact.”

QCBT is thrilled to provide this opportunity at the conclusion of the schoolyear for the students at Madison. The bank has focused its philanthropic efforts toward Madison throughout the year through a robust partnership with the United Way.  “Any time we can focus our efforts and really start to see an impact on students and families from areas with such a need, we’re all in.  From supporting our non-profit partners who work with Madison Elementary to providing new opportunities facilitated by the United Way, we are so happy to make a difference,” said Jill Dubin, Community Development Officer for QCBT.

This has been a collaborative initiative involving teachers, parents and administration at Madison Elementary, leadership and volunteers from QCBT, staff from Running Wild and support and programming from the United Way and of  course the support and additional efforts of the Bix 7 leadership and staff.  “It truly takes a village,” said Laura “Divot” Ekizian, President and Chief Relationship Officer with QCBT, “but when the community can come together to wrap their arms around a common cause, you see this type of amazing result.” 

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